For a special intention.
Request by: Mr. Robert Morgan
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Sylvia E Fell
Request by: Ms. Adela Socha
Request by: Mrs. Mary Gallagher
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank L Williams & Jean Williams and In Honor of Sally Valenti
Request by: Mr. John C WilliamsFor a special intention.
Request by: M/M Edward Nestor
In Memory of Kenneth Barnard, Rebecca Cole and Charles Barnard
Request by: Mrs. Valerie Barnard
Pelton / Dauerheim Family
Request by: Mrs. Kathleen Dauerheim
In Memory of Maj. Michael J. Browne, Helen & George Truesdale, Helen & Jim Browne, Jean & Bill Fermoile and Jerry & Marlyn Truesdale
Request by: Mrs. Patricia Browne
In Honor of the Kolbuk Family, Dorak Family and Brian Denson and In Honor and Memory of the Salamon Family
Request by: M/M Richard Dirose
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M Paul M Carren
In Memory of Roman C. Kosiba
Request by: Margaret L. Kosiba
In Memory of Dominick, Patricia, & Angela Angerosa
Request by: Richard Angerosa
In Memory of Philip C. Young
Request by: Cassandra Young
In Memory of Family of the Betts
Request by: Judy Betts
In Memory of Dr. Antonio C. Tiongson
Request by: Dr. Cornelia M. Tiongson
In Memory of Grace & John Malley, Henry & Amelia Musgnug
Request by: Roy & Gloria Musgnug
In Memory of Kurt Winkelman
Request by: Lori Winkelman
In Memory of Anthony & Marie Piazza
Request by: Carol Piazza
In Memory of Loren & Mary Burnett and Thomas & Maggie Vensel
Request by: Mark & Patti Burnett
In Memory of Elizabeth "Betsy" g. Wudarsky
Request by: Edward Wudarsky, Jr.
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M Edward Clifford
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Mary King
For a special intention.
Request by: John Sherry
WAITING FOR CB TO VERIFY NAMES:In Memory of Ben Rilveria, Iloruy & Belong Families, Linda Ambrosia and In Honor of the Rilveria & Martinez Families
Request by: Mrs. Adoracion
In Memory of John & Mary Bialy and Anthony & Sophia Bukowski
Request by: Mrs. Barbara Bukowski
In Memory of John & Anne Hayden, The Marino Family, Andrew DeMartino and Joseph & Greta Pezzino
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pezzino
In Memory of The Columbia Family and The Pacheco de Paiva Family
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. John Columbia
In Memory of Cheryl Morris, Patrick Colavito and Jackie Colavito
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan
In Memory of Larry Beauvais
Request by: Mrs. Patricia Beauvais
For a special intention.
Request by: Mr. Jorge Gomez
In Memory of Albarella Family, Iovine Family, Friends who passed and In Honor of Current Family and Friends
Request by: Ms. Teresa Albarella
In Memory of the McGee Families and Soulia Families
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Harley Soulia
In Memory of Capitena Family, Volpone Family, Hilbert Family and Broskevicz Family
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hilbert
For a special intention.
Request by: Ms. Barbara
In Memory of Paul Diel and In Honor of the Diel Family and the Fitzsimmons Family
Request by: Mrs. Elsie Diel
In Memory of the Santilli Family and Laura Anglim
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Vito Zerillo
In Memory of Walter & Eleanor Mary and Louis & Mary Tkacik
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mary
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Genara Medina
In Memory of Marie C. Duffy, James P. Duffy, Sr., James P. Duffy, Jr. and Carolyn L. Duffy
Request by: Mr. Robert Duffy
In Memory of Maria Pomales, Marta De Cicco, Philippo De Cicco and Abraham Rilvera
Request by: Mr. Frank De Cicco
In Memory of Donald W. James and Martha L. Ouellette
Request by: Mrs. Lynne M Murphy
In Memory of Nora T. O'Brien, Patrick O'Brien, Edward O'Brien, Richard Cunningham and JoHanna Cunningham
Request by: Mr. Patrick O'Brien
In Memory of Placido Peditto and Eleanor Peditto
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Jim Peditto
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Shirley Arnold
In Memory of Roger Adabahr, Jr., Alice Maitino, Philip Maitino, Ruby M. Adabahr, Carl W. Adabahr and Robert Maitino
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Roger Adabahr
In Memory of Albert & Catherine Peruzzi and Carmine Peruzzi
Request by: Ms. Rosemarie Peruzzi
In Memory of Joann Freydberg
Request by: Ms. Suzanne Michalak
In Memory of the Foos & Albright Families
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Victor Foos
In Memory of Mrs. Adeline Sepro and Mr. Alfred Espro
Request by: Mrs. Carmela Cangiano
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Mary King
For a special intention.
Request by: Ms. Victoria Geslak
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Marie Hyacinthe
In Memory of Jerry Genzale, Salvatore & Dorothy Modica, Dorothy Blasucci, Ralph Modica and Frank Modica
Request by: Ms. Alice Genzale
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Hackimer, Mr. & Mrs. Von Bargen and Mr. & Mrs. Stantey
Request by: Mr. Walter Hackimer
In Memory of Joseph A. Lupo, Mary Jane Talty, Margie Terrigno and Janet Lupo
Request by: Mrs. Geraldine Lupo
For a special intention.
Request by: Ms. Judith Fable
For a special intention.
Request by: Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Vazquez
In Memory of Robert Castagno, Argia Nardone and William Nardone
Request by: Ms. Linda Castagno
In Memory of Lois Feller, Robert Feller, Margaret Moke, Edwin Moke, and the Lederers Family
Request by: Mrs. Judith Hart
In Memory of Fred Vatalaro, Francesca Sollecito, Francesco Cassone, Sharon Hall, Brian Brosnan and Virginia Marchione
Request by: Cinzia Brosnan and Richard Vatalaro
For a special intention.
Request by: Mr. Robert Heid
In Memory of the Smith Family and Harney Family
Request by: Mrs. Patricia Smith
In Memory of Gary Williamson, Tom Williamson, Chris Cristie, Eliz & James Mahoney and the Mahoney Family and Joe & Peg Williamson and the Williamson Family and In Honor of Colleen Keith & Bob Chris
Request by: Mrs. Theresa Williamson
For a special intention.
Request by: Ms. Lillian Smith
In Memory of James Luckett
Request by: Mrs. James Luckett
In Memory of Catherine & Thomas Riley and Joseph & Rose Collins
Request by: Mrs. Rosemary Riley
In Memory of the Brady & Florio Families
Request by: M/M Vincent Florio
In Memory of Marilyn Weiler, Robert Weiler, Alice & Doug Gosling, Joanne Dye and Linda Smith
Request by: M/M Mark Weiler
In Memory of Mrs. Ava Vormwald
Request by: M/M R Thomas Vormwald
In Memory of Stephen Walkowski, Irene Walkowski, Louis G. Mote and Virginia Mote
Request by: M/M Louis Mote
In Memory of the Guerette, Kilbride and Cloutier Families
Request by: M/M Fred Kilbride
In Memory of the Torre, Elsbree and Harby Families
Request by: M/M Anthony Torre
Our Mother Mary and All Mothers
Request by: M/M Matthew Koss
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M Joseph Mignogna
In Memory of Adriano Tuscano, Angelina Tuscano, Mariano Barbieto, Felisa Barbieto and Father Julio Barbieto
Request by: M/M Mario Barbieto
In Memory of Florence Jojade
Request by: Mrs. Barbara Gray
In Memory of the Vavrek and LaRocca Families
Request by: M/M Joseph LaRocca
In Memory of the Holzman an Wheeler Familes
Request by: Ms. Barbara Wheeler
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M Rafael Perez
In Memory of Agnes Lentini, Joseph Lentini and Nina Pero
Request by: M/M Vito J. Lentini
In Memory of Eugene Wesley and Caroline Hansen
Request by: Mrs. Violet L. Wesley
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M Robert Geida
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Marcia Morgan
In Memory of Franie Hoffman & Family and The LaPoint Family
Request by: Barbara Hoffman
In Memory of Edith Orta, Adele Brown, Joan Kaiser and Pat Bennett
Request by: M/M Frank Brown
In Memory of Husband James and Family & Friends
Request by: Mrs. Marian Sidor
In Memory of The Krieger Family Loved Ones
Request by: M/M James R. Krieger
In Memory of the Redmond and Solimeno Families
Request by: Joan & Frank Solimeno
In Memory of Alice Chimielinski
Request by: Frank Chimielinski
In Memory of Frances & Frank Gaeta & Ryan Blair
Request by: Rhonda Blair
In Memory of Michael Day
Request by: Kathleen Day
In Memory of William Ladue
Request by: Anne Ladue
In Memory of the Tatem & Miklus Families
Request by: Elaine Tatem
In Memory of the Frey & Rehfus Families
Request by: Susan Frey
In Memory of Louise Wagner
Request by: Michael Wagner
In Memory of Michael Fredrickson, Uncle Willie, Jo & Chuck Fredrickson, Betty & John Columbia and In Honor of The 5 Columbia Siblings(&families)
Request by: Debra Fredrickson
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Helen Matthews
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Jeannette Ormsby
For a special intention.
Request by: Mrs. Catherine Fullem
In Memory of Michael C. Bogdan
Request by: Ms. Jolan B. Bloss
For a special intention.
Request by: M/M James Barron
In Memory of Ray & Helen Slater
Request by: Mrs. Harriet Flynn
In Memory of Nancy Gregorczyk, Margaret Moravec, Eleanor Ehling, Mr. & Mrs. A.F. Gregorczyk
Request by: Mr. Florian S Gregorczyk