Let’s Celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation! March 25 Conesa Center After Mass .
The Annunciation reminds us to pause and marvel that God is with us. This feast day we celebrate Jesus’ entrance into our world through Mary’s willingness to accept the angel Gabriel’s invitation. In his book Meditations and Devotions, Cardinal John Henry Newman opined that “Mary is called the Gate of Heaven, because it was through her that our Lord passed from heaven to earth.” The Annunciation is the beginning of our salvation. It is a day of hope that we might be restored to relationship with the Father through the Incarnation.
All are invited to a celebration of the Annunciation after Mass, Friday, March 25, for a Lenten breakfast. Following a German Lenten tradition, we will serve hard-boiled eggs and soft pretzels along with mini-quiches, strawberries, coffee, tea, and juice. We will explore the Annunciation in Art and honor Mary in song.
St. Bernard said, “The more (Mary) is honored, the greater is the glory of her Son.” Come to Conesa Center after Mass for a time of fellowship and to learn fun facts about the Annunciation. Donations will be accepted for St. Gianna’s Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care. For information about St. Gianna’s Center go to: https://www.stgiannacenter.com/about-st-giannas-center/